IndiGo passenger shocked by missing seat cushion on flight

A passenger on an IndiGo flight from Pune to Nagpur was shocked when he reached her seat, only to find half of his cushion missing.

The passenger, Sagarika Patnaik – a resident of Nagpur — was traveling for work on IndiGo flight 6E6798 early on Sunday morning. Sagarika’s husband, Subrata Patnaik, told TOI that his wife was allotted a window seat, Number 10A.

“Once she reached her seat, she was shocked to find the cushion missing,” her husband said. Sagarika raised the matter with a cabin crew member, who in reply asked her to look at the cushion under the seat, he added.

But even looking around the seat, she couldn’t find the cushion. Sagarika raised the issue again, but since the boarding process was still going on, she was forced to wait in the corridor, causing confusion for her fellow passengers. Finally, after some time, one of the cabin crew members fetched a cushion from an extra seat and placed him on the Sagarika’s seat.

“How could such a seat cushion just vanish? This is certainly not expected from an airline brand like IndiGo,” added Subrata Patnaik.

Sources in the airlines reportedly said that the earlier cushion was taken for replacement as it was dirty and an extra cushion was provided to maintain the hygiene standards of the aircraft.

Pointing out that an aircraft is thoroughly checked before it is opened for boarding passengers, Subrata said, “Didn’t they notice the missing cushion? And the first cabin crew to enter an aircraft, didn’t they spot the deficiency?

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