India on Nepal Parliament clearing bill to redraw political map.

The lower house of Nepal’s parliament on Saturday unanimously passed the historic Second Constitution Amendment Bill guaranteeing legal status for the updated political map of Nepal which includes India’s territories in Pithoragarh district.

The voting came after day long discussion which also included Maoist leader Prachanda’s praise for the Nepal Communist Party which he said is reversing centuries of diplomatic humiliation of Nepal.

Major opposition parties including Nepali Congress (NC), Rastriya Janata Party-Nepal (RJP-N) and Rastriya Prajatantra Party (RPP) voted in favour of the government bill to amend Schedule 3 of the Constitution to update the national emblem by incorporating the new controversial map.

In the 275-member House of Representatives or the Lower House, a two-thirds majority was required to pass the bill. Now, the bill will be sent to the National Assembly, where it will undergo a similar process. The ruling Nepal Communist Party commands a two-thirds majority in the National Assembly. The NA will have to give lawmakers 72 hours to move amendments against the bill’s provisions, if any.

After the National Assembly passes the bill, it will be submitted to the President for authentication, after which the bill will be incorporated in the Constitution.

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