IBM report reveals 59 per cent of Indian enterprises actively deploy AI, highest among surveyed countries

A recent report commissioned by IBM has unveiled that a staggering 59% of enterprise-scale organizations in India have actively integrated Artificial Intelligence (AI) into their operations. Titled the ‘IBM Global AI Adoption Index 2023’, the report showcases India’s leading position in AI deployment among countries surveyed. According to the findings, early adopters are spearheading this AI revolution, with 74% of Indian enterprises already harnessing AI technologies. These forward-thinking organizations have significantly ramped up their investments in AI over the past two years, focusing on areas such as research and development (R&D) and workforce reskilling.

Despite this remarkable progress, challenges persist, including the need to address skill gaps and ethical concerns. The report emphasizes the criticality of overcoming these obstacles to enable widespread AI adoption in India.

Sandip Patel, Managing Director of IBM India & South Asia, stressed the importance of building trust and confidence in AI technologies. He highlighted the necessity of implementing robust data and AI governance frameworks to mitigate potential risks associated with AI deployment. Key drivers behind AI adoption in India include the accessibility of AI tools, the imperative to reduce costs and automate processes, and the proliferation of AI embedded within standard business applications.

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