Children are the heart of the concerns for an anticipated third wave of Covid-19 in India. A child with a COVID-19 infection may be asymptomatic, mildly symptomatic, moderately sick, or severely ill. The symptoms for children are similar to those for adults including fever, cough, shortness of breath and fatigue among others. Lupin’s Aptivate is ayurvedic syrup that helps in improving appetite and mothers can easily give home-cooked nutritious food to their children. It contains nine natural ingredients including Giloy, Amla, Pippali, etc. That is even recommended by Ayush Mantralaya to help children strengthen their natural immune system.
Making sure that children follow a healthy and well-balanced diet including fruits, vegetables and plenty of home-cooked food will help boost their immunity. In contrast, oily, spicy, and junk food must be avoided. Besides a healthy diet for immunity, parents must also ensure that their children get sufficient physical activity, consume plenty of water and fluids, and get adequate sleep. While the vaccines for children are still being developed, it is imperative for parents to safeguard their children against the virus.