HMSI conducts a Road Safety Awareness Campaign in Midnapore

Honda Motorcycle and Scooter India (HMSI) prioritizes road safety, organizing Road Safety Awareness Campaigns across the country to promote responsible driving and create a safer society. These campaigns encourage individuals to adopt safe driving practices, fostering a culture of caution and consideration on the roads. One such campaign was recently held in the city of Midnapore which left a notable imprint on the participants.

One such campaign was recently held in the city of Midnapore which left a notable imprint on the participants. On the premises of Raja Narendra Lal Khan Women’s College, HMSI saw a zealous involvement of more than 2000 students and staff members.HMSI emphasizes the importance of teaching road safety principles to children from an early age, promoting inclusion in educational curriculums at school and college levels.

The company aims to empower the next generation with the knowledge and skills needed for responsible road navigation through interactive activities like Road Safety Games, Safe Road Theory Session, Slow Bicycle Riding, RoadSignage, and Riding posture training.Since inception, in the state of West Bengal, HMSI has imparted education to nearly 3 lakh adults and children, focusing on promoting responsible road usage and cultivating safe riding habits.

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