HIV-Positive cases rise due to IDUs link

Assam finds grappling surge of HIV-positive cases in the state, rapidly over past three years specially among injecting drugs users.   

As per reports, from April to June 2023, a staggering 50.8% of the 1,317 cases detected linked to Injecting Drug Users (IDUs), exceeding the national average of 9.03% by a concerning 2.21 %.

Detailing on Northeast regions, Mizoram has the highest adult HIV prevalence with 2.70%, followed by 1.36 % in Nagaland, 1.05% in Manipur, 0.39% in Meghalaya and 0.11% in Assam. The national average stands at 0.20 %.

The deeply troubling surge calls for implementing health measures and alleviate the concern as soon as possible.

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