Here are three simple asanas for all the moms shared by Malaika Arora

Mothers selflessly take care of their families and play an essential role in every household. But it is extremely important for them to take out time for themselves on an everyday basis and practise yoga, which helps in keeping one fit and healthy.

To motivate you a bit more, we have actor and fitness aficionado Malaika Arora sharing three yoga asanas that are perfect for inducing relaxation while improving bodily strength with regular practice.

“Every single day should be celebrated as Mother’s Day for the unconditional feelings they express no matter what day it is, how her day is or what the circumstances are. We have three simple asanas for all the moms out there to feel relaxed and calm because they deserve it,” she wrote on Instagram.

She listed: Vrikshasana, Trikonasana and Utkatasana

According to Arora,

Vrikshasana helps to improve posture and promote balance, both physical and emotional.

Trikonasana helps to fight hunch, especially for breastfeeding moms.

Utkatasana helps develops strength in the whole body, especially back muscles while relieving stiffness in the shoulders.

According to experts, pranayamas like Anulom Vilom Bhramari Pranayama, Ujjayi, along with kriyas like Simha Kriya and Kapalbhati are excellent to develop control, bringing stability and strength in the mind, which is required with a newborn baby. However, they should be ideally performed under guidance and depending on the mother’s postpartum condition.

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