HCCB inaugurates Drinking Water ATM in Assam

Hindustan Coca-Cola Beverages Private Limited (HCCB), a leading Indian FMCG company, has partnered with Y4D foundation to launch a Drinking Water ATM at Natya Mandirpremises in Nalbari, Assam. The Drinking Water ATM was inaugurated by Shri. Jayanta Mallabaruah, Hon’ble Minister of PHED, SEED & Tourism, Assam along with Smt.Varnali Deka, IAS, District Commissioner of Nalbari district, Assam. Key representatives from the local government including the Chairman of the Nalbari Municipal Board, and the Chairman of the corresponding Zila Parishad were present at the event.

The Drinking Water ATM will provide clean water to nearly 4000 community members, promoting their well-being and sustainable water security, aligning with the company’s overall commitment to regional empowerment and local community development. Smt. Varnali Deka, IAS, District Commissioner of Nalbari district, Assam said, “We are happy to have HCCB actively enabling access to safe and clean water for the local community of Nalbari.”

HCCB has upskilled 400+ women in digital and financial literacy in Assam, equipping schools with digital smart boards. To boost employability, 20 women in Nalbari are being trained in bee farming, providing them with equipment to yield 12-15kgs of honey per box.

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