India’s leading lavatory care brand, Harpic, has launched the new Harpic Original Fresh, a new product under its Power Plus range. The new formulation offers spotlessly clean toilets in just five minutes, with long-lasting fragrance and freshness. The product is equipped with Malodour Control Technology (MOC) to combat unpleasant odors found in toilets. Harpic has also Launched the #HarpicSeBetterKaun campaign to create intrigue among the consumers.
The Harpic Original Fresh is designed to meet the evolving demands of consumers who want their cleaning agents to be quick, efficient, and great-smelling. The new Harpic Original Fresh is a game-changer for those who desire a clean, hygienic, and pleasant-smelling washroom without spending a lot of time in the process. The long-lasting experience of the new Harpic Original Fresh will create a new toilet cleaning experience for millions of consumers who have used and loved the product for decades.
Reckitt’s Regional Marketing Director, Saurabh Jain, highlighted Harpic’s commitment to innovation and providing improved solutions to meet evolving consumer needs. “The new and improved Harpic Original Fresh is a game-changer for anyone who desires a clean, hygienic, and pleasant-smelling washroom without spending a lot of time in the process.”