Governor inaugurates golden jubilee celebrations of Bapujee College

Assam Governor Prof. Jagdish Mukhi said, “Indian culture, education and value system are far more superior to other countries of the world. So, in sync with our rich cultural antecedents, educational institutions especially the schools must devote themselves to teaching to sustain our rich heritage”.

The Governor while complementing the Bapuji College for rendering services in the field of knowledge dissemination for the last 50 years said that in this process the college has been providing its students’ opportunities and challenges to face the world with conviction. He also said that the role of the college has also enabled the students to inculcate in them values, commitments and services for manifesting a knowledge-driven society. O n this occasion he also extended his congratulations to the faculty members past and present of the college for their unrelenting role which enabled the institution to reach this milestone.

He hailed the role of the college in the last 50 years for creating an enabling academic atmosphere which is evidently clear from its results. Motivating the students to aim for greater targets in life, he urged them to take lessons from the successes of the persons like Justice Holiram Deka, litterateur Hitesh Deka, retired IPS Officer Harekrishna Deka, the present director of the Intelligence Bureau of India Tapan Kumar Deka who all hail from Sarukshetri area. These great personalities are the inspirations for the students to work hard and contribute to the growth of a New and Resilient India.

Speaking on the National Education Policy, the Governor said that the policy being launched and implemented in Assam gives a new horizon of education. He said that Bapujee College must adopt strategies to embrace the opportunities of NEP, 2020. He said that in light of NEP 2020 and to adapt to the changing academic scenario, Bapuji College must introduce new streams preferably science to meet the needs of Students.

The governor on the occasion urged the students to be more focused to pursue their goals with more determination. Quoting Mahatma Gandhi who said “Be the change you want to see in this world”, the Governor appealed to the students to prepare themselves to lead the world, be the change and make Assam and India proud.

Barpeter Deputy Commissioner Ayush Garg, Bapuji College Management Committee President Gauri Kant Burman, Principal Dr. Ramesh Das, students and other dignitaries.

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