Glenmark launches new Sitagliptin based drugs – SITAZIT

An innovation-driven global pharmaceutical company Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Limited has launched sitagliptin and its Fixed Dose Combinations (FDCs), at affordable price for adults with Type 2 diabetes in India. The company has introduced 8 different combinations of sitagliptin based drugs under the brand name SITAZIT® and its variants at affordable price. It will help the patients to manage their glycemic level effectively and bring better compliance. These medicines have low risk of hypoglycemia, provide beta cell protection, offer cardio-renal benefits and are safe for patients with kidney or liver conditions and senior citizens.

The medicines will be available under the brand name SITAZIT®, SITAZIT®- M, SITAZIT®- M ER and SITAZIT® D. Each of these brands will have two different variants – SITAZIT® M will have sitagliptin (50 mg) + metformin (500 mg/ 1000 mg); SITAZIT® M ER will have sitagliptin (100 mg) + metformin SR (500 mg/1000 mg). The brand SITAZIT® D is a new combination with two variants SITAZIT® D 100/10, which will have sitagliptin (100 mg) + dapagliflozin (10 mg) and SITAZIT® D 50/5 which will have sitagliptin (50 mg) +dapagliflozin (5 mg).

In 2015, Glenmark revolutionized the diabetes market by launching its DPP4 inhibitor – teneligliptin at a price that was approximately 55% lower than the other DPP4 inhibitors. It launched its globally researched, innovator molecule remogliflozin in 2019, at a price around 55% lesser than other SGLT2 inhibitors. It has became the first company in the world to launch remogliflozin + vildagliptin FDC and remogliflozin + vildagliptin + metformin FDC respectively. According to the International Diabetes Federation, the prevalence of diabetes in India is 8.3% with around 74 million adults living with diabetes as of 2022.

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