Flipkart, a leading player in India’s e-commerce sector, has partnered with the Industrial Training Institute (ITI) Kalyani, West Bengal, to establish a Center of Excellence (CoE) lab under its Supply Chain Operations Academy (SCOA). The initiative, outlined in a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA), aims to equip youth with industry-relevant skills for supply chain operations, addressing the growing demand in the e-commerce ecosystem.
The CoE lab will provide free training, certifications, and a 45-day On-The-Job-Training (OJT) or Industry Exposure (IE) program at Flipkart facilities. SCOA’s curriculum covers key roles, including Picker, Putter, Packer, and Data Entry Operator. In 2024 alone, SCOA trained 4,200 candidates, including 826 women, emphasizing diversity and inclusion.
This initiative is poised to benefit the Malda by creating a pool of skilled professionals to support logistics and supply chain activities. With Malda serving as a key transit point for goods in the region, the availability of trained manpower will ensure smoother operations and bolster local economic activity. Flipkart’s Senior VP Hemant Badri emphasized the partnership’s potential to drive innovation in India’s supply chain sector, while ITI Kalyani Principal Jyotirmay Chatterjee highlighted its role in empowering local youth and addressing employment challenges.