Flipkart, India’s e-commerce giant, has launched an Exchange Program for non-functional appliances, smartphones, and feature phones. Customers can exchange defunct large and electronic appliances for upgraded products, including televisions, refrigerators, washing machines, laptops, smartphones, and feature phones.
Flipkart’s exchange program simplifies disposing of non-functional appliances by eliminating the hassle of finding vendors and arranging delivery. Customers can enjoy a hassle-free process and receive an exchange value for upgraded products, allowing them to purchase inoperative appliances and upgrade their appliances. Flipkart aims to reduce electronic waste by converting non-functional products into currency.
The program partners with authorized vendors to ensure responsible disposal, with defunct products refurbished, recycled, or disposed of responsibly. Commenting on the launch, Ashutosh Singh Chandel, Senior Director & Business Head, Re-Commerce at Flipkart, said, “Apart from benefitting our valued customers, this program will act as a catalyst to transition to a circular economy and reduce the impact on the environment.“Flipkart, through its extensive logistics network and efficient tech-driven processes, will enable the exchange in a single visit, ensuring a convenient and hassle-free experience.