Five Ways to Navigate Mental Health Amidst Breast Cancer

Metastatic breast cancer diagnosis can be overwhelming, physically and emotionally. The uncertainty and fear of this life-threatening condition can cause emotional turmoil. However, managing anxiety can be achieved through seeking help and exploring advanced therapy options, tailored to the patient’s needs. 4 in every 10 patients with breast cancer experience high level of anxiety or depression .

Dr Chanchal Goswami, Advanced Medical Research Institute, Oncologist, Kolkata, “In my experience, 80 % of patients undergoing treatment for breast cancer can go through some form of depression. The fear of the unknown and constant instability, coupled with side effects of traditional treatments contribute to a patient’s anxiety. However, there are newer advanced therapies that could help patients prevent side effects that have an impact on one’s mental health such as loss of appetite, hair loss, among others. Additionally, there are many ways patients can navigate their feelings and improve overall well-being such as therapy, participating in support groups, getting proper counselling, practicing mindfulness, can greatly help them benefit from supportive care management.”Patients dealing with metastatic breast cancer can manage stress and anxiety through various strategies.

1.            Choose the right treatment for your condition, as each option has its side effects, such as stress from hair loss. It’s crucial to consult with your doctor about treatment options to understand the therapies that minimize mental well-being effects and to understand what patients can expect during their treatment process. This will help you understand the best course of action for your specific condition.

2.            Seeking professional support from therapists or counselors can offer personalized emotional and coping strategies, helping patients navigate their emotions, fears, and uncertainties, providing a safe space for expressing feelings and fostering healthier coping mechanisms.

3.            Joining support groups can provide a sense of belonging, empowering patients by allowing them to share their experiences, exchange coping strategies, and receive encouragement from others who understand their journey.

4.            Mindfulness involves being present without judgment, focusing on breath, surroundings, and body to reduce stress and anxiety. Techniques like meditation, yoga, or deep breaths can help maintain groundedness and calmness during challenging times, such as during overwhelming situations.

5.            During this period, it’s essential to prioritize self-care, including eating healthy, exercising regularly, and getting sufficient rest. Engaging in activities that bring you joy, such as reading, listening to music, or taking a relaxing bath, can boost your mood and enhance your overall well-being.

6.            Maintaining information about one’s condition and treatment options is crucial, but excessive exposure to overwhelming information can cause anxiety. Striking a balance between reputable sources and doctor sources can alleviate stress.

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