Excessive smoking not only damages the body, but also damages the skin

Many people know that it is twelve o’clock in the lungs if you smoke. Many people may not know that the skin is also damaged by regular sukhtan. At a young age, symptoms such as facial wrinkles, dark spots on the lips, and loss of skin elasticity may appear. According to various studies, at least five thousand chemicals, such as benzene, arsenic, and formaldehyde, are released along with the smoke when cigarettes are burned. Which damages not only the body but also the skin.

Dermatologists say that excessive smoking causes the skin to become dehydrated. Rashes or pimples may appear on the skin. The nicotine in cigarettes is responsible for this. The level of skin’s own proteins, like collagen and elastin, decreases. As a result, the skin becomes lifeless. Tension is also lost. Young people in their twenties can be mistaken for mature skin. If more nicotine enters the body, it can cause the skin to lose its luster. Because, under the influence of this chemical, skin inflammation problems increase.

How can stopping smoking cigarettes affect the skin?

For those who are addicted to smoking, this task is very difficult. However, if you can stay away from smoking for a month, the lost skin cells can return. Various studies have shown that stopping smoking improves blood circulation in the skin. The dark spots on the lips begin to fade slowly. With proper care, the skin’s tautness also comes back.