ESL Steel supplies oxygen for Punjab and Bihar

A national steel player in the Vedanta Group, ESL Steel Limited has registered its plant at Siyaljori near Bokaro for liquid medical oxygen supply based on the requirements of the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (MOHFW) and Steel Ministry. The Vedanta Group has aligned with the government’s initiatives to supplement its efforts in tackling the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. Like other group companies, ESL Steel Limited has also stepped in to augment oxygen supplies to COVID-19 patients as part of its Vedanta Cares initiative.

ESL is committed to deliver liquid oxygen via a green corridor in the plant for faster oxygen allocation by the MOHFW and Ministry of Steel. ESL is supporting life by rushing oxygen containers for critical patients across Punjab, Bihar, and Jharkhand.

With more oxygen requirement coming up, more steel companies are stepping in to supply medical oxygen. Private sector steel makers have supplied about 1.43 metric tonne of liquid medical oxygen to various parts of the country for the treatment of COVID-19 patients so far.

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