Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India (EDII), Ahmedabad, an acknowledged national resource Institute in Entrepreneurship Education, Research, Training and Institution Building, has trained 1730 students till now to pursue an entrepreneurial career. It is heartening to mention that 78% of these students have become successful entrepreneurs and social change leaders. The remaining alumni are either pursuing a career in the corporate sector/academics or pursuing further studies.

EDII is a preferred Institute for Entrepreneurship Education. Its flagship programmes include:Post Graduate Diploma in Management- Entrepreneurship (PGDM-E) and PGDM in Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Venture Development (IEV).At the end of two years students are ready with a bankable project report. EDII extends necessary follow up support to ensure that as per their identified business opportunity, they have a sound and bankable business plan. Students of Family Business Management are ready with a Five-Year Perspective Growth Plan.
EDII’s curriculum has a balanced mix of knowledge of procedures, formalities, legal aspects, markets, business environment, etc; skill of managing people, money, material, market; and aptitude to take calculated risks, quick decisions and face ambiguities successfully. All this is strongly backed by soft skills like communication skills, negotiation, networking, inter-personal relationships, leadership, etc.