DSP Mutual Fund has launched the DSP BSE Sensex Next 30 Index Fund and DSP BSE Sensex Next 30 ETF, marking India’s first investment products focused on the BSE Sensex Next 30 Index. These open-ended equity schemes aim to offer investors exposure to 30 companies just below the BSE SENSEX, showcasing potential for robust growth and market leadership.
The BSE Sensex Next 30 Index includes high-growth large-cap companies often under-represented in traditional large-cap indices. Diversified across sectors, the index allocates 18% each to Consumer Discretionary and Commodities, 19% to Financial Services, and 10% each to Energy and Healthcare. This segment provides a balanced mix of stability and growth opportunities for long-term investors.
Speaking on the launch, Anil Ghelani, CFA, Head of Passive Investments & Products at DSP Asset Managers, said, “This fund offers a differentiated approach within the large-cap space, ideal for investors seeking diversification and long-term wealth creation.” The New Fund Offer (NFO) is open from January 10 to January 24, 2025. In Guwahati, investors are showing increasing interest in diversified equity schemes like DSP’s new offerings. Financial advisors in the region emphasize the fund’s appeal due to its low overlap with existing large-cap indices, making it an attractive option for long-term portfolios. Guwahati’s rising participation in equity markets highlights a growing appetite for innovative financial products. Backed by a 25-year legacy, DSP Mutual Fund continues to innovate, offering products aligned with investor needs while promoting wealth creation through responsible investing.