Dr. Vinutha Arunachalam, an experienced Obstetrician, and Gynecologist at Apollo Hospital Chennai, discussed the advantages of laparoscopic surgery. Laparoscopic surgery avoids large open wounds or incisions, reducing blood loss, pain, and discomfort, minimizing unwanted effects from analgesia, avoiding tissue trauma, and reducing postoperative complications.
Early mobilization also reduces rates of chest infection and deep vein thrombosis. Patients prefer small scars and laparoscopic surgery generates less postoperative anxiety related to self-image.In her media interaction, she also discussed infertility issues, stating that fertility decreases with age, particularly after the age of 35 due to lower egg quality and egg number. A woman in her early to mid-20s has a 25-30% chance of getting pregnant every month.
Fertility generally starts to decline in her early 30s, and after 35, the decline speeds up. By age 40, the chance of getting pregnant in any monthly cycle is around 5%.