Dr. Radhakrishnan stresses the significance of timely intervention in pediatric issues

Dr. Radhakrishnan Satheesan, a renowned Consultant Pediatric Surgeon with exceptional clinical and surgical skills, has been with the Apollo Group since 2010. He served as a Captain in the Indian Army and later studied in the USA for further studies. After working in the USA, he came back to India.

The doctor was an important part of the team that planned and successfully did the separation of Ischiopygopagus Conjoined Twins. It was the first of its kind in India. The twins were from Tanzania. The operation took 18 hours to complete. The twins are doing well now. Dr. Radhakrishnan also visited Kolkata to discuss pediatric issues with the media.

Dr. Radhakrishnan asserted 20% of Pediatric cancers occur in India. Cancer is primarily genetic and requires timely management for effective treatment, unlike non-cancer diseases which can be delayed for some time but not for a long period. Dr. Satheesan also highlights that by keeping track of the child’s well-being and mannerisms, parents can understand the problems that their kids are suffering from. In this way, they can get timely treatment.

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