Doctors delivers baby girl grown inside abdominal cavity instead of uterus

In a rare occurrence, in new Delhi doctors at a private facility here delivered a baby girl who had grown inside the abdominal cavity instead of the uterus.In most pregnancies, a fertilised egg grows inside the uterus with the placenta, which provides nutrients and oxygen to the growing baby, attached to the uterus wall, but in this case, it was attached to the bowel.

Aarogya Hospital’s Dr Anjali Chaudhary was quoted as saying “In cases where the fertilised egg grows inside the abdominal cavity, it does not survive beyond four or five months, but in this case, it was a full-term pregnancy and the baby was delivered through a cesarean surgery performed on Monday morning. The baby’s weight was 2.65 kg,” . The baby girl was the woman’s second child after she had a baby boy via C-section. After being in the ICU for 12 hours, the baby was finally handed over to the attendants and the woman was shifted to a ward after 24 hours.

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