Coca-Cola India brings in 100% Recycled PET Bottles in the Carbonated Beverage Company

Coca-Cola India has launched Coca-Cola®in rPET in pack sizes of 250 ml and 750 ml, following its successful launch of a one-litre bottle made from 100% recycled PET for its Kinley drinking water brand. The bottles are manufactured by Coca-Cola bottling partners, Moon Beverages Ltd. and SLMG Beverages Ltd.

Coca-Cola India’s expansion of rPET bottles exemplifies their commitment to a sustainable and environmentally friendly future. The 100% food-grade PET bottles, excluding caps and labels, feature a “Recycle Me Again” message on the pack, promoting consumer awareness and promoting recycling efforts. Sanjeev Agarwal, Chairman, Moon Beverages Limited (part of MMG Group), commended the rPET launch stating, “PET plastic bottles have value beyond their first life. Our new bottles made with food-grade rPET are recyclable and can become another bottle giving it another life. Recycled PET is a big move in the right direction to embrace plastic circularity in India.”

These rPET bottles are crafted from food-grade recycled polyethylene terephthalate (PET). The plastic is recycled as per the technologies approved by the US FDA and European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) for food-grade recycled material and repurposed into new PET bottles, reducing the need for virgin plastic for producing PET Bottles.

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