Britannia Nutrichoice provides a customized diet plan

Britannia NutriChoice has launched a first-of- its- kind service that democratizes access to nutrition for people with diabetes, on World Diabetes Day. The initiative uses the expertise of Nutrition and Health coach, Ryan Fernando to deliver diet plans customized to age and dietary preferences. The campaign will reach over 15 million people in India and promote awareness about healthy meal planning to help prevent and manage diabetes.

This World Diabetes Day, the service launched by Britannia Nutrichoice is to provide a customized diet plan to individuals managing diabetes, based on age and dietary preferences while minding the diversity of food choices across the country. The initiative recommends the most suitable diet plan for each person basis demographics and delivers it via an easy to access, interactive Whatsapp ChatBot.

Ryan Fernando, India’s leading nutritionist with over two decades of experience has partnered with Britannia Nutrichoice to provide the customized diet counsel. The diets keep in mind the need for diversity in taste, focuses on portion control and works with simple to source, everyday sources of nutrition.  Speaking on the launch, AmitDoshi, Chief Marketing Officer, Britannia Industries Limited said,“ We are happy to have partnered with award-winning nutritionist Ryan Fernando, who worked extensively on the diet plans, and helped bring the large scale,and much needed initiative to life”.

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