BD India launched its Safety-First Initiative at the 11th Infusion Nurses Society (INS) annual conference in Kolkata to emphasize the importance of safety engineered devices in infusion therapy. The initiative saw participation from over 300 healthcare workers.BD India and Infusion Nurses Society held a panel discussion on the Road to Zero Sharps Injuries, emphasizing the need for healthcare professionals to be aware of safety-enabled devices and the importance of adequate training in handling complex situations in accordance with key safety standards and protocols in infusion therapy.
The discussion aimed to achieve zero needle stick injuries. Atul Grover, Managing Director, BD India/South Asia, said, “We are happy to work with like-minded partners like INS at forums that provide a platform for knowledge sharing and best practices focused on the importance of safe and innovative technologies to enhance patient and healthcare workers safety.”
The 7th edition of the BD INS Mastermind Quiz, which saw over 12,000 nurses from hospitals across India participate, saw Aster Medicity, Kochi, as the winning team. The final five regional winning teams, consisting of two members each, were from Max Hospital, Saket, New Delhi; The Mission Hospital, Durgapur; Fortis Hospital, Kalyan; Vasavi Trust Hospital, Bangalore; and Aster Medicity, Kochi.