Bandhan Mutual Fund has announced the launch of its new investment vehicle, the Bandhan BSE Healthcare Index Fund. This open-ended mutual fund aims to provide investors with targeted exposure to India’s burgeoning healthcare sector by tracking the BSE Healthcare Index, which includes stocks from pharmaceuticals, hospitals, diagnostics, biotechnology, and medical equipment industries.
The New Fund Offer (NFO) for the Bandhan BSE Healthcare Index Fund opens today, August 21, 2024, and will remain available until September 3, 2024. Investors can subscribe through licensed mutual fund distributors, online platforms, or directly via the Bandhan Mutual Fund website at
Vishal Kapoor, CEO of Bandhan AMC, emphasized the strategic timing of this fund. “The healthcare sector has demonstrated remarkable resilience and innovation, particularly following global challenges like the COVID-19 pandemic. With India’s reputation in vaccine manufacturing, generic drug production, and medical tourism, the sector is poised for significant growth. This fund offers investors a chance to benefit from this upward trajectory by encompassing the entire spectrum of the healthcare industry,” Kapoor stated.In Kolkata, where the market for healthcare investments is notably active, this fund is expected to attract considerable interest. Investors in the city are increasingly looking for opportunities to diversify their portfolios and capitalize on the growth of the healthcare sector, making the Bandhan BSE Healthcare Index Fund a timely addition to the market.