Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma, who is attending the second edition of the business summit Advantage Assam in Japan, said that the state is set to become India’s next powerhouse. The Assam CM, who met over 80 business leaders, mentioned that Assam’s target is to take the state gross state domestic product (GSDP) to USD 143 billion by 2030.
He also stated that the state has received the “highest ever” investment of USD 4 billion in 2024. “During my interaction with over 80 business leaders, I conveyed our target to take Assam’s GSDP to USD 143 billion by 2030,” Himanta Biswa Sarma wrote on X. “Assam is set to be India’s next economic powerhouse. Our USD 12 billion infrastructure investment plan is a huge opportunity for global firms. In 2024 we secured a privateinvestment of USD 4 billion, the highest ever,” he added.
Assam CM expressed excitement over Japan’s business community’s enthusiasm to invest in India and invited them to join the second edition of Advantage Assam.”I was thrilled to see the excitement amongst Japan’s business community for India and the huge respect for the leadership of the Hon’ble Prime Minister. On behalf of the people of Assam, I have invited Osaka’s vibrant business community to join #AdvantageAssam2,” Assam CM wrote.