The Anti-Corruption Ministerial Meeting concluded on August 12, 2023, under India’s G20 Presidency, co-chaired by Italy. Union Minister Dr. Jitendra Singh addressed the inaugural session, while Secretary S. Radha Chouhan addressed the welcome. Prime Minister Narendra Modi delivered a video message. During the address, Prime Minister said that “India is leveraging technology and e-governance to create a transparent and accountable ecosystem. Loopholes and loopholes in welfare schemes and government projects are being removed.”
The Indian Presidency successfully negotiated the ‘High-Level Principles on Promoting the Integrity and Effectiveness of Public Bodies and Authorities Responsible for Preventing and Combating Corruption’ among G20 countries.
This framework will strengthen the independence, transparency, and accountability of anti-corruption institutions, addressing root causes of corruption such as institutional weakness and lack of accountability. The third and final meeting of the G20 Anti-Corruption Working Group (ACWG) took place in Kolkata from August 9-11, focusing on best practices for combating corruption in various sectors. India successfully promoted the international Anti-Corruption agenda and built a consensus among G20 members for international cooperation to combat corruption.