In a groundbreaking move that promises to reshape the global art and cultural landscape, Anil Agarwal, Founder and Chairman of Vedanta Group, has taken charge of the iconic Riverside Studios in London. Renamed as the ‘Anil Agarwal Riverside Studios Trust,’ the 100-year-old studio, located on the north bank of the River Thames, is set to become a global hub for artistic expression. Over its rich history, the venue has hosted legends such as The Beatles, David Bowie, and David Hockney.
“I believe art has the power to unite people and transcend boundaries,” said Agarwal, unveiling plans to turn Riverside Studios into a premier destination for Indian and global arts. His #ArtInEveryHeart initiative will promote the cultural ties between India and the world, with the studio offering a space for immersive performances, exhibitions, and cinematic showcases.
The move is significant for India, as it marks the entry of a respected Indian business leader into the global cultural arena. The studio will also provide opportunities for Indian, British, and international creators to showcase their work. In Guwahati, the Indian art and culture scene is gaining momentum, and initiatives like this further elevate the prominence of Indian artists abroad, potentially opening doors for greater cultural exchange between the UK and Assam.