Amazon Fashion has launched its latest campaign, “Fashion on Amazon, Har Pal Fashionable,” featuring Bollywood stars Ananya Panday and Aditya Roy Kapur. The campaign highlights Amazon as a one-stop online destination for clothes, shoes, watches, and accessories, offering features like ‘wear it with’ suggestions from top brands and convenience like easy returns, fast delivery, and no convenience fees.
With this campaign, Amazon Fashion reaffirms its commitment to fashion enthusiasts, aiming to make fashion effortless, redefine fashion and elevate their shopping experience. Conceptualized by Media Monks, the campaign went live recently across TV, Outdoor, Digital Video & Social Media. The campaign focuses on assembling stylish outfits and finding the right combinations for a complete look, particularly for women and men.
Ananya Panday effortlessly assembles a fashionable look, while Aditya Roy Kapoor perceives it as time-consuming. In the second ad film, Ananya assists Aditya Roy Kapoor in finding complementary accessories through the ‘Wear it with’ feature. Both films highlight Amazon Fashion’s timely delivery, easy returns, no convenience fee, and wide selection, making it easy for women to be ‘Har Pal Fashionable’. Aditya Roy Kapoor said, “As a big fashion enthusiast, I constantly strive for effortless style”. Further Ananya Panday said, “I love styling that makes me feel comfortable yet confident and with Amazon Fashion’s wide selection across accessories, shoes, bags etc. I can mix and match effortlessly”.