The Almond Board of California hosted a thought-provoking session titled “A Handful of Almonds a Day: Natural Approach to Supporting Health in Today’s Fast-Paced Lifestyle” at The Lalit, Kolkata. The event brought together leading figures, including Dr. RohiniPatil, MBBS and Nutritionist, and popular Bengali actress SusmitaChatterjee, to discuss the significance of mindful dietary choices in maintaining health amidst modern life’s hectic pace.
The panel highlighted how incorporating almonds into daily diets can offer numerous health benefits, such as improved blood sugar control, weight management, and heart health. Dr. Patil emphasized that almonds, rich in 15 essential nutrients, are an ideal snack for busy individuals, offering protein, healthy fats, and fiber. “Small changes like swapping processed snacks for almonds can make a big difference in overall health,” she stated.
Actress SusmitaChatterjee shared her personal routine, revealing how almonds, especially soaked overnight, fuel her demanding day. She credited almonds with boosting her energy, focus, and maintaining her skin’s radiance, essential for her career. In Kolkata, the growing awareness of healthy eating has led to an increasing demand for nutrient-rich snacks like California almonds. As consumers seek better dietary choices, almonds have emerged as a convenient, nutritious option for those juggling busy schedules.