Air India has launched its groundbreaking AI-powered eZ Booking feature, promising a faster and more intuitive reservation experience for Maharaja Club loyalty program members. The feature, available on Air India’s website, eliminates complex navigation, allowing users to book tickets effortlessly by speaking or typing their travel needs.
The innovative eZ Booking employs ‘Agentic AI,’ mimicking human travel agents by understanding natural language inputs and generating customized itineraries. Users can modify or finalize their plans with minimal commands, making the process seamless. “eZ Booking showcases our commitment to enhancing customer experience with intelligent digital solutions,” said Dr. Satya Ramaswamy, Chief Digital and Technology Officer, Air India.
The feature allows travelers to book tickets using voice commands, a first in the airline industry. The patent-pending design, recognized with the prestigious Red Dot Design Award, underscores Air India’s leadership in AI innovation. In Guwahati, a key hub for air travel in the Northeast, the feature is expected to attract tech-savvy travelers seeking quick bookings. With rising air traffic from the region, eZ Booking offers convenience, particularly for frequent flyers balancing tight schedules. As part of its transformation program, Vihaan.AI, Air India plans to expand eZ Booking to mobile platforms, ensuring broader accessibility. The airline continues to set benchmarks in the aviation industry, blending technology with India’s rich legacy of hospitality.