According to Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath said, the state will vaccinate 6 lakh pepole against Covid every day

Yogi Adityanath, the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, said that 6 lakh vaccine doses will be distributed everyday in the state. He praised the central government’s stance, saying that the government will speed up vaccination and urging people to get out of their houses to get Covid-19 shots.

“I’d want to express my gratitude to Prime Minister Narendra Modi for initiating the programme to provide free vaccination to everyone over the age of 18. Vaccination has begun in around 7,600 booths today” said Adityanath.

In the last 24 hours, 4.5 lakh people have been given dosages, according to government data. To date, 2.12 million people have received the first dosage, with 40.3 lakh being fully vaccinated. Meanwhile, the overall positivity rate in Uttar Pradesh has remained less than 1 per cent this month.

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