13 June, 2020: Amid the spike in the number of Covid-19 deaths in Uttar Pradesh, another concern is growing —more people below the age of 60 without known comorbidity have died of Covid-19 in the state. Despite the assessment that healthy youngsters are at lesser risk from SARS-CoV-2 and only elderly people with underlying conditions have increased risk of severe infection, the latest data from Uttar Pradesh show otherwise. Out of the 321 deaths reported in the state till Wednesday, 209 — roughly 65 per cent — were in the 21-60 years age group. In the remaining cases, 101 (31.5 per cent) of the deceased were above 60, and 11 (3.5 per cent) in the age group of 0 to 20 years. By saturday , the death toll in the state rose to 365.
65% deaths in 21-60 age group