After suffering for five consecutive days, the Kurmi community has withdrawn the rail-road blockade in Purulia. Ajit Mahato, the leader of Adivasi Kurmi Samaj, said that a letter was sent from Navanna to discuss with the Chief Secretary. This proposal is really a scam. Therefore, Kurmid leader Ajit Mahatore claimed that instead of accepting the proposal of the state, they decided to withdraw the blockade. Adivasi Kurmi Samaj said that after the meeting with the central committee, the next decision will be taken about the movement. But despite the lifting of the blockade in Purulia, the Kurmi movement is still going on in Khemashuli. Ajit Mahato said clearly today, “This is a completely neutral movement of tribal society. It is not a matter of any government or party. In the letter that was given, it was written that there will be a meeting with CS on 10th. Come there. I returned the letter, I did not accept it. It will not work.” No. It’s done this before. It won’t do any good. So we rejected the letter.”
5 days of suffering is over, the siege of Purulia is lifted by the Kurmids!