27- year- old man ends life on facebook live stream

A man took extreme measures after his girlfriend refused to marry him on a Facebook live stream. Rejected, he committed suicide on Facebook Live.

According to sources, the man is 27 years old and his name is Jaideep Roy. A formal marriage proposal was sent to the deceased girl and her family, but the girl refused to marry him citing ‘family pressure’. In his live stream, Roy said that the reason for his extreme move was his girlfriend’s refusal to marry him.

“I sent a formal marriage proposal but she refused in front of everyone. Later her uncle came to me and said he will kill her because of our relationship. Now I am leaving this world so that she does not suffer because of me,” Joy said on Facebook Live.

Also, the victim’s family has not filed any complaint but they are accusing the driver of taking such drastic action against the girl’s family.

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