Masai School, renowned for bridging the gap between skills and opportunities, has celebrated five years of transforming lives with its outcome-driven education model. With over 5,000 students achieving their dreams and 6,000 currently enrolled, the institute continues to unlock the human potential across India. Prateek Shukla, CEO and Co-founder of Masai School, emphasized their mission, stating, “We aim to sharpen skills and unlock potential with assured outcomes. Our goal is to transform the education ecosystem by collaborating with established firms to expand opportunities for our students.”
Success stories like that of Debobrota Haldar from Sundarbans, West Bengal, highlight Masai’s impact. Despite his farming background and a two-hour daily commute, Debobrota persevered. During the COVID-19 pandemic, he found Masai, which offered a coding education without upfront costs. Now, he thrives as an Instructional Associate in Bengaluru, proving that determination and support can overcome any obstacle.
Indrajit Paul from Kolkata also benefited from Masai’s pay-after-placement model. Overcoming financial and health challenges, he secured a Software Development Engineer position at ALYF, significantly improving his family’s prospects. “Masai’s supportive environment and mentorship kept me focused on my goals,” he shared. Arnav, also from Kolkata, found Masai during his gender transition journey. Inspired by its comprehensive curriculum, he embraced the transformative experience Masai offered. His dedication led to multiple job offers, and he now works as a Software Engineer at SPCO.
The success of Masai School is not just limited to individual stories. The institute boasts over 4,500 hiring partners, ensuring seamless transitions for graduates into their desired careers. Collaborations with major firms and institutions like IIT Guwahati, IIT Mandi, IIT Ropar, and the National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) further enhance its credibility. The innovative pay-after-placement model of Masai School has caught the attention of tech aspirants in Kolkata as well. With its focus on outcomes and extensive hiring network, students from Kolkata see a promising future in tech, fostering a competitive spirit and driving local employment opportunities.