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Bhutan - The Purbottar https://thepurbottar.in/tag/bhutan/ English News Paper Sat, 29 Oct 2022 09:23:08 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://thepurbottar.in/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/cropped-Untitled-design-2024-04-19T133150.735-32x32.png Bhutan - The Purbottar https://thepurbottar.in/tag/bhutan/ 32 32 Indian Railways opens a new trade horizon with Bhutan https://thepurbottar.in/indian-railways-opens-a-new-trade-horizon-with-bhutan/ https://thepurbottar.in/indian-railways-opens-a-new-trade-horizon-with-bhutan/#respond Fri, 28 Oct 2022 09:38:55 +0000 https://thepurbottar.in/?p=26894 Indian Railways has opened a new trade horizon with its neighboring country Bhutan. A freight train of 75 Isuzu cars which is bought by Bhutan […]

Indian Railways has opened a new trade horizon with its neighboring country Bhutan. A freight train of 75 Isuzu cars which is bought by Bhutan from Chennai, arrived at Hasimara railway station in Alipurduar at 9.30 pm on Thursday.
Although the train was supposed to arrive on Thursday morning but it arrived late at night. On Friday morning the vehicles left for Bhutan by road. This is a major step by the Alipurduar Division of Railways in expanding Indo-Bhutan trade. People are saying that in the coming days, the economic development of this area of ​​Alipurduar will take place along this trade route.

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US ambassador makes a rare visit to Bhutan https://thepurbottar.in/us-ambassador-makes-a-rare-visit-to-bhutan/ https://thepurbottar.in/us-ambassador-makes-a-rare-visit-to-bhutan/#respond Fri, 14 Oct 2022 06:02:26 +0000 https://thepurbottar.in/?p=26425 US Chargé d’Affaires Patricia Lacina recently made a rare visit to Bhutan to commemorate the successful US-Bhutan partnership in health to advance and fight the […]

US Chargé d’Affaires Patricia Lacina recently made a rare visit to Bhutan to commemorate the successful US-Bhutan partnership in health to advance and fight the Covid pandemic, the US Embassy revealed, about 12 days after the end of the five-day visit. October 1

Bhutan does not have diplomatic relations with any of the five permanent members of the UNSC, and US interests are served by embassies here.

From September 26 to October 1, During her visit to Bhutan, the US Chargé d’Affaires joined the Minister of Agriculture and Forestry Lyonpo Yeshey Penjo in an official ceremony.
The US Embassy statement said, to discuss bilateral cooperation on Covid-19 she met Health Minister Lianpo Dechen Wangmo.

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Bhutan reopens with new tourism strategy https://thepurbottar.in/bhutan-reopens-with-new-tourism-strategy/ https://thepurbottar.in/bhutan-reopens-with-new-tourism-strategy/#respond Fri, 23 Sep 2022 05:54:08 +0000 https://thepurbottar.in/?p=25531 Taking a positive view on the appeal of tourism organizations and businessmen of North Bengal, Bhutan has banned the Baggage Allowance ie ‘Luggage Allowance’ for […]

Taking a positive view on the appeal of tourism organizations and businessmen of North Bengal, Bhutan has banned the Baggage Allowance ie ‘Luggage Allowance’ for Indians for the time being. However, for the overnight stay of Indians in Bhutan, the Sustainable Development Fee will be applicable.

The Government of Bhutan has informed Jaigaon Merchant Association and Jaigaon Development Authority through a circular. Significantly, a large quantity of dolomite, cement, vegetables and potatoes are imported from Bhutan to India. Not only Jaigaon but many businessmen of Siliguri are associated with business relations with Bhutan.
In such a situation, an additional ‘baggage allowance’ was announced by the Bhutanese administration on purchases of more than three thousand rupees. As soon as the notification of the Bhutan government regarding the baggage allowance came out, there was a stir in the tourism organizations and business circles. After that, the administrative officers of both countries held a meeting among themselves.

The organization’s president Gangaprasad Sharma had demanded the withdrawal of the additional tax on behalf of the Jaigaon Development Authority. The Bhutan administration, in response to that application, decided to suspend the ‘baggage allowance’ for the time being. However, if Indians stay overnight in Bhutan, they will have to pay an additional ‘Sustainable Development Fee’ of Rs 1,200 per person per night. Despite several appeals from Indian tourism businessmen, additional neighboring countries are not backing down from their decision. There is a lot of objection among tourism organizations about this.

Samrat Sanyal, general secretary of the Himalayan Hospitality Development and Tourism Network, one of North Bengal’s most important tourism organizations, said, “The suspension of baggage allowance is welcome, but if the ‘Sustainable Development Fee’ is not waived, it will affect the relationship between India-Bhutan.”

On the other hand, Gangaprasad Sharma said, “There is a lot of relief as baggage allowance has been suspended. However, the struggle for a Sustainable Development Fee waiver will continue after Bhutan Gate opens. We are trying to give our best.”

Ramashankar Gupta, general secretary of Jaigaon Merchants’ Association, said, “The suspension of baggage allowance in Bhutan has benefited traders a lot. But we are not shying away from our demand for a Sustainable Development Fee waiver.”

https://thepurbottar.in/bhutan-reopens-with-new-tourism-strategy/feed/ 0 25531