S. Jaishankar to make a statement on the Ukraine-Russia war in the Rajya Sabha

External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar will make a statement on the Ukraine-Russia war in the Rajya Sabha on Tuesday. Executive M. Venkaiah Naidu let the Upper House know that Minister Jaishankar will give an assertion on the contention. Naidu likewise praised the endeavors of the association and state legislatures for adapting to the situation to empty the Indian understudies.

TDP MP K. Ravindra Kumar said that as wellbeing and security of the understudies are guaranteed, presently the public authority should find important ways to get their future by counseling every one of the partners. BJD MP Dr Amar Patnaik proposed holding two to five percent seats in all private and government universities for the understudies who got back from Ukraine. TMC’s Dr Santanu Sen batted for extraordinary strides to oblige these understudies in the country.

The second piece of the Budget meeting continued on Monday and will close on April 8. The Rajya Sabha is probably going to move past 64 hours to execute the authoritative business other than taking up the issues of public significance.

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