Amazon unifies grocery stores into single online store ‘Amazon Fresh’

Amazon has announced that it has brought together two of its grocery stores called Fresh and Pantry into a single unified store called Amazon Fresh. It is primarily a grocery platform that can be used to buy vegetables as well as grocery items. The Amazon users from 300 cities will be able to place orders for vegetables, grocery items on Amazon Fresh.

An official statement of Amazon says that the company is laser-focused on providing customers the best online shopping experience, coupled with quick and safe delivery. Apart from offering great savings, Amazon Fresh will also reduce barriers to grocery shopping online. Siddharth Nambiar, Director, Category Management, Amazon India, said, “Today, we’ve completed the integration of both stores into a single online store called Amazon Fresh across 300-plus cities in India. Customers will continue to enjoy super value savings, a wide selection of products, and convenient delivery options.”

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